TCG Adds a Team Member

We’re proud to announce an addition to the Table Cat Games team! Doctor Jones Junior Mint brings his expertise in snuggles and looking cute to the Table Cat Games team.

Doctor Jones was recruited to Table Cat Games after discovering him outside in a window well. The little dude was scared as heck and didn’t want to leave the percieved safety of the window well. When interacting with him, he was super lovey and just wanted some affection!

After a day of bringing him food and water we took him to a vet to get his chip scanned. We got a number to call and were excited to reunite him with his family. Well, that call didn’t go as expected as we found the number linked to the sister of the owner who told us the owner had moved out of state. She abandoned him!

After taking him to a shelter for medical check ups (and because we’re supposed to do that here to give the original owners a chance to come get him, before you’re legally allowed to adopt them). Unfortunately, the shelter we brought him to had to transport him to another one. Then we waited a tense couple of weeks while they did medical check ups on him before we are allowed to bring him home.

Dr. Jones Junior Mint is now in our house, getting and feeling better. He’s living his best life now. He enjoys throwing toys into the air and getting pets. He frankly can’t get enough pets.

We’re super excited to have Dr. Jones Junior Mint on the team!


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