Star Wars: Spirit of Rebellion Update!

I’m working hard on Star Wars: Spirit of Rebellion (my expansion to the Star Wars Companion) and I’m making a lot of progress.

So far it’s mostly in a layout mode, but I’m also writing out the first draft at the same time. Probably the worst way to do this, but I’m enjoying both aspects so much, why not mix them together?

The gear section is mostly done and I “finished” the vehicles section which has new vehicle mods and vehicle stats. Christopher Leiby who wrote the Star Wars Companion is giving the vehicles section a look over to tell me all the things I screwed up and to make them integrate as fairly seamlessly as we can to be compatible with the Star Wars Companion.

I’m currently plowing my way through the factions. I realize a lot of people who are into this expansion will be aware of the factions of Star Wars, but it’s fun for me to break them all down. Plus if your a GM looking for inspiration there’s some stuff in there that you can hook into. I’m adding ones from Andor and Solo, and expanding on some that are only mentioned by name.

I originally thought this thing would be 30 pages, but wow I was wrong. I’m on 67 pages and counting. I’m not sure where it will end up? 100? I’m really hoping this won’t be as long as Street Wolves… (Side Note: Street Wolves just hit Silver on Drive Thru Rpg!)

My goal as of right now is to complete the writing and layout in three weeks so I can get it out there to be looked over/tested and I can move on to other projects! I’m not going to lie, this work has taken away time from Street Wolves and Wicked Forever King Hungers, but it’s been so fun. Also I think it’s worth it to try to get the word about Table Cat Games out.


Street Wolves Goes Silver!


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