Street Wolves News Round Up!

Street Wolves is Almost Finished!

Yes, you heard that right! The Street Wolves core book is shaping up very nicely and the Beta release should be done in the next couple of weeks. What remains right now is some missing art for gear and another read through to tighten it up.

After that, we’re hoping to get some eyes on it to correct any errors. At this point it looks like we may be headed for a January release.

This leads us to:

Get on the Mailing List

Not only will those on the mailing list get an exclusive window of news to the Street Wolves release, but they’ll also get a discount!

But wait, there’s more!

Mail list subscribers will get exclusive stats for Bubbles from Crossroad Games AP "The Golden Hand" as played by Cassi Mothwin.

Bubbles will be free and have stats from Novice all the way to Legendary!


Table Cat Games is officially a real business now with an LLC. How professional!

Social Media Expansion

We’re now on Facebook as well as Mastadon. On Facebook there’s a Table Cat Games group for you to join and talk about TCG related stuff (just search for those terms) . We’re still trying to figure out Mastadon.

That’s All For Now!

Stay tuned to this blog or wherever you find Street Wolves news to keep on top of the latest developments. Thanks for being here, we really appreaciate it.


Street Wolves Release Date!


Street Wolves Updates!