Street Wolves Release Date!

Street Wolves is Finished!

Yes, you heard that right! The Street Wolves is finished! Well, almost. What is left is some final edits and typo hunting, but it’s almost there.

The most exciting thing is that we now have a launch date: February 6th!

That means you should:

Get on the Mail List!

If you’re not on the mailing list yet, get on it so you can get a discount when Street Wolves comes out. It’s going to be exclusive to mail list subscribers, so if you don’t have it then no savings for you!

But wait, there’s more!

Mail list subscribers get exclusive stats for Bubbles from Crossroad Games AP "The Golden Hand" as played by Cassi Mothwin.

Bubbles is free (with the coupon that is sent to mail list subscribers) and has stats from Novice all the way to Legendary!

That’s All For Now!

Stay tuned to this blog or wherever you find Street Wolves news to keep on top of the latest developments. Thanks for being here, we really appreaciate it.


Launch Party!


Street Wolves News Round Up!