Street Wolves Updates!

I have a few big updates for Street Wolves, so here’s a blog post to help you keep track!

1. The Street Wolves Jumpstart is Updated

After (too long), I’ve made a couple of small corrections. The biggest change is now there’s a “dark mode” version included that has a black background and colors adjusted for the change. This was done because the core book will have a dark mode too and I wanted to align the books.

If you downloaded it from this site, you need to download it again to get the updates. If you got it from Itch or Drive Thru RPG, your collections/libraries will be updated and you can download them again.

2. Layout on the Street Wolves Core Book is in Progress!

That’s right, I’m hard at work putting the Street Wolves core book together! The dream is coming closer to reality! So far it’s going smoothly, but there will be some bumps like having to finish the character sheets and adjusting stock art assets so they don’t look so “stock”.

3. Keep an Eye Out for a Cool Incentive

If you join the mailing list, you’ll not only get the first news and an exclusive window to download the core book when it’s ready, and you’ll get a discount on Street Wolves, but you’ll also get a neat bonus in conjunction with some of my favorite people. Sorry, can’t spill exact details yet, but it’s neat!

4. New Merch!

There’s some new Street Wolves merch in the store. Yeah, that’s right you can get Street Wolves branded items for your pets!


Street Wolves News Round Up!


Out Now: The Street Wolves Jumpstart