Announcing Star Wars: Spirit of Rebellion

We’re excited to officially announce that Table Cat Games is working on a Star Wars role playing game expansion to the excellent Savage Worlds Star Wars Companion called The Spirit of Rebellion. It will be 100% completely free and available for any Star Wars fan that wants it (using the Savage Worlds Fan license).

What’s that mean? The Star Wars Companion contains a lot of necessary info you need to play in the Star Wars universe using the Savage Worlds rule system, but there’s some stuff that I wanted to see that wasn’t in there along with some tweaks needed to play in my favorite era (the original trilogy). So what I’m doing is that you’d get Savage Worlds, The Star Wars Companion, and then use Spirit of Rebellion to theme your campaign.

The fan made Star Wars companion that Spirit of the Rebellion is expanding.

And while I was at it, I figured I’d expand it a bit further to include The Dark Times which was features in Solo, the Rebels cartoon series, Rogue One, Andor, and the Obi Wan series. Then while doing that, I figured I could also throw in the New Republic timeline which is being revealed in the series The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett, since what appears in those series is close enough to the previous timelines to have a continuity in themes and design.

A sample of what the chapter breaks will look like.

Here’s a run down of what Spirit of Rebellion will contain (if I stick to my original plans):

  • New Edges/Hindrances: Some additional Hindrances like “Scarred by the Empire” to reflect how the Empire has destroyed lives, and edges to reflect things seen on The Mandalorian such as “Jet Pack Fighter”.

  • Slight Rules Alterations: I don’t want to mess with mechanics too much, but there’s some opportunities to tweak things like the Force and Beskar armor to better match what’s in the movies and The Mandalorian/Book of Boba Fett

  • New Gear: There’s some gear and weapons that aren’t in the Star Wars Companion like Mando’s rifle, the Dark Saber, the Beskar spear, etc.

  • New Vehicles: There’s a few vehicles that are missing such as the U-Wing and Razorcrest.

  • New Species: There’s only one species missing that I would like to include, the tiny Anzellan who first showed up in Rise of Skywlaker, but more importantly were in The Mandalorian.

  • New Extras Stats:  There’s some NPCs that need to be added such as: Death Troopers, Dark Troopers, KX droids, and Pretorian Guards, among others. 

  • Screen Heroes Stats: The Star Wars Companion doesn’t have any heroes or villains statted out like Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker. That makes sense as it’s a guide to run your own games and not specifically focused on replicating any on screen characters. However, I find stats like that fun to make and even if I don’t use them in game, I like to copy screen hero stats and rename them. So I’m going to include a bunch of characters like Jyn Erso, Chewbacca, and Bo-Katan. 

  • Setting Info: There will be an overview of the eras that are covered by the book along with rundowns of the major factions.

  • Setting Advice: There’s going to be some advice on how to run a campaign that’s more paranoid and dangerous, like the rebel cell seen on Andor. There’s also some advice on handling Star Wars canon in your games, and how to handle Jedi on the run. 

Layout, Trade dress, and Art:

With this being a fan based, free table top role playing game expansion the sky is pretty much the limit on how you want it to be designed. However, I decided to stick to a main theme of sorts: Riff on the look of Return of the Jedi and many of the products released during the time it came out. It’s much more colorful and retro looking than a lot of modern day trade dress. I really wanted this to stand out and be reminiscent of an older style, while having a slick look of its own. 

For art I’ve stuck to a lot of promo material as a source. I didn’t want to take artists work out there and just use it, because that’s wrong. I am sticking to art that was featured on packaging on toys, lunch boxes, or stuff like the Presto Magix “toys.” Sometimes using the actual toy images themselves. I’m using as much vintage items as possible, but due to the nature of incorporating modern series and movies some of it has to be a bit newer.

There will be photos of Star Wars characters, that are either taken from promo materials or screen grabs when possible. 

Project Status

The layout of Spirit of Rebellion is well underway. The text will need to be refined and edited a bit, but overall it’s pretty much done. The most time intensive portion is editing the promo art in order to be usable for this project (there’s a lot of Photoshop work involved).

I can’t wait to share it with everyone, because I’m a huge Star Wars fan and I’d love for people to use it at their gaming tables.


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