Street Wolves in the Media

Street Wolves has recently appeared in two outlets that I’d love to point you towards:

Table Top Tango

Carl from Table Top Tango did an overview on Street Wolves recently that you can check out on YouTube. Overall Carl really dug it. Watch it and leave a comment, like, and all that!

Reckless A-Talks

This one was a big one for me. I got on as a guest on Reckless A-Talk from the fine folks of Reckless Attacks. It’s a very in depth interview that gets way into the making of Street Wolves, how I became a ttrpg creator, what made me stick to it, and all sorts of great stuff.

You can listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and I’m assuming wherever else you may get podcasts?


The Wicked Forever King Awakens Soon


Street Wolves Hits Copper!