Street Wolves: Turbo Edition v2.0 and v2.0.2 Change Log

If you’re wondering about the difference between the original Street Wolves and the Turbo Edition, here’s a deeper dive. I do have to note that while I was working on the Turbo Edition I got a bit carried away and didn’t really take note of all of the changes. These are the most major ones that I captured. I’m sure I missed some.

Anyway, this update also includes some tweaks made that are coming out soon (listed at the end).


  • Publication size has changed to make it closer match the books put out by Pinnacle Entertainment.

  • New layout.

  • 70+ pieces of art added.

  • TONS of editing for clarity and brevity 


  • Explosives Expert: Stealth added as possible bonus skill for the profession

  • Hacker: Added pop culture nerd to bonus edge list


  • Young Hindrance removed from forbidden Hindrances


  • Thrown Weapons edge increase in amount thrown (3 at rate 3).

  • Bad Ass motorcyclist is no longer a professional edge, decreased bonus -1, but now can be combined with other professional edges like Trademark Vehicle.

  • Grifter: Clarified that the 25% gain is 25% of the original purchase price

  • Into the Groove: the -1 notice penilty applies to everyone that can hear the music.

  • Wicked Melee Flourish: Clarified that it can be used ones Per Foe during an encounter vs just once.


  • Various corrections to table data.

  • Throwing Stars: Range corrected to have the same range as a throwing knife. 

  • M21 SWS weight corrected.

  • Under barrel grenade launcher has weight and cost added.

Setting Rules

  • Removed “Wound Cap” from the list of settings rules. Street Wolves is now slightly deadlier, but GMs can still choose to apply it if they want.

  • Favor: Suggestion for Street Wolf helper changed to xxxx

  • Favor: Other suggestions tweaked slightly.

  • Leave: Relationship points lost of a failed Healing Leave activity are increased a die step

  • Leave: Maintaining Relationships leave activity level requirement changed form 3 to 2.

  • Leave: Added penalties for choosing not to run a business during a Leave activity

  • Leave: Traing activity changed to only apply to gaining new skills or skill specializations (if you’re using those) 

  • Leave: Running a Business now has a penalty for deciding not to run the business on a leave activity.

  • Drive: Wound and Fatigue penalties now effect the Drive check. The more I’ve thought about this and tested Street Wolves the last year, the more it makes sense that someone who is wounded or tired could suffer a hit to their Drive. 

  • Fear: The worst Fear table results now lose Relationship points (in addition to Drive like they did before)

  • Hacking: Updated VR disconnection to add that a person being logged out something something minutes chain loading

  • Hacking: Slightly altered the digital file size examples with images.

Allies & Adversaries

  • Various corrections and slight alterations.

  • Removed Skill specializations from NPCs

  • Enforcer: Reduced Thievery to D4

  • Hitman: Stealth increased to d6

  • Motorcycle Gangster changed to Outlaw Biker

  • Added Repair to Motorcycle Gangster

  • ER doctor Persuasion reduced to d6

  • Nurse Persuasion Reduced to d4

  • Paremedic, removed sicence, removed hindrances

  • Saint increased to d8, Spirit to d10; Atheltics d8, Notice d8, Performance d8

  • Black Flag added Electronics d6; Removed Network of Shadows conditioning

  • Shadow Director added Ruthless (Major)

  • Shadow Elite increased stealth to d8

  • Security guard Intimidation bumped down to d4

  • Bill “Little Dog Cly” Corrected bio, added Electronics d10

  • Secret Agent, added taund d5, corrected possible edges

v2.0.2 changes

  • Con Artist had wrong gear kit (had investigator kit)

  • Laptop and desktop computer art were cut off a little bit

  • Butterfly knife art cut off a little bit

  • M202 art cut off a bit

  • Sig Saur: Added description 

  • Kunai gear item had parry -1 corrected

  • Timberwolf Veteran: Under a Thumb result corrected to read Under a Thumb (Major)

  • Scorpian had wierd formatting on his skills

  • GrymlynByte reduced Tradecraft to d4

  • Secret Agent: Changed potential Edge “Master of Seduction” to “Smooth Operator”


Street Wolves Foundry VTT Module: v1.1 Change Log