Street Wolves Data File: Who are the Street Wolves?


Hey folks! This is the start of a series of articles focusing on factions and characters in the Street Wolves role playing game setting for Savage Worlds. Today we’re taking a brief dip into figuring out who the heroes of Street Wolves are. 

The heroes are the ultimate focus of any good role playing game. The players are the stars of the adventures and it’s important to nail down who they are, why they’re fighting, and why they’re sticking together to continue adventuring. Hopefully we can get to a bit of that here. 

The heroes of Street Wolves are a ragtag group of adventurers all working together to defeat a variety of enemies with different agendas, but they’re all more or less evil. The heroes operate as vigilantes with little to no support. How they get their missions is determined by who they’re working for (which is in a future article), but in most games the heroes will be working on behalf of a group called Wolfpack. 

Street Wolves operatives can come from a variety of backgrounds: former soldiers, law enforcement, and even thieves can join the fight. This allows for a wide variety of skills in the field and for some role playing opportunities with different personality types trying to work together. These backgrounds are represented by a number of primary specialties or archetypes to help define their role on the team like: Con Artist, Driver, Explosive Expert, Investigator, Martial Artist, Medic, Spy, Thief, and more. 

Every operative has connections with family, friends, and other people important in some way to them, which is defined as their Relationship. These Relationships can provide comfort to the heroes, show up to complicate the heroes’ lives, or perhaps complicate the mission in some way. This helps make the heroes feel more “real” and also replicates drama found in tv shows like Miami Vice.

Another thing that helps define the heroes of Street Wolves is their “Virtue Level.” Heroes working secretly to uncover hidden evils are subject to moral decay and corruption. If a Street Wolves hero fails a mission or commits some sort of questionable act in the line of duty (like harming innocent civilians), they lose some of their Virtue. Low Virtue heroes have a harder time relating to their family, friends, team, and are likely to adopt some sort of harmful addiction or open themselves up to corruption. This system replicates the feeling of a cop or detective on the edge, and again is something you’d see in a show like Miami Vice

That’s our brief foray into the wolf of Street Wolves heroes. Do you have any questions about who the heroes are? Did we leave out anything that you want to know? Leave a comment reach out to us on Twitter or Facebook and let us know!


QNA: Street Wolves Inspiration


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